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A Sacred Encounter - What Inspires You?

When I got to work this morning, I was greeted by one of my colleagues needing assistance setting up for general hospital orientation, an all-day session where new hires are introduced to the purpose, policies and values of the organization as they begin their employment. As I walked into the room, I experienced that Déjà vu sensation run through me as I realized that exactly eighteen years ago today, July 6, 1997 (and on a Monday), I began my career at Mission Hospital.

My role began in the midst of a life transition and I thought it would only be an interim job until I could get my life back in control. However, being enveloped in the culture and passion of such amazing professionals and incredible healing, I found myself embracing the values and living them out in my everyday life. Eventually I discovered that my job had transformed into my calling and I am able to experience that sense of wonder and accomplishment in what I do as much as I see them in the people that surround me. I can honestly say that while there are days when it’s hard to wake up, there is rarely a day when I don’t want to come to work (except of course when vacations and personal or family events are calling).

So my project this week is to film a series of employee interviews where I ask them “what inspires you?” and “how do you bring that inspiration into your everyday work?” The intent is to build a series of reflections that focuses on how people chose their professions and how they can bring personal inspiration and meaning to their ever day roles. So far, the responses have been amazing and so beyond what the original scope called for. What I’m finding is, even in the ordinary, there are extraordinary passions that drive people to do what they do, whether they love their job or are searching for purpose in their current positions. Whether it’s a family, hobby, nature, faith, or in life itself, that inner passion serves to inspire a greater purpose to drive away indifference.

The takeaway is that each of us has a duty in the jobs, roles, and occupations we serve in helping us provide for our families, afford amenities and fulfill our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The key is how we embrace our own passions to inspire us in our own individual journeys. It doesn’t matter if you are new to your job, or a thirty-year veteran – each person must find their own inspiration to keep them going, and hopefully, help others to do the same.

What inspires me, both personally and professionally, are the people, the stories and the encounters that make each day unique, meaningful and memorable. Every day I use that that inspiration to drive my own projects, responsibilities and duties to inspire others and bring purpose to the things I do. As my father said, “When you lose that sense of fulfillment and accomplishment, it’s time to move on,” and find something else to generate that inspiration.

So today, the question I ask of each of you is – what inspires you? How do you take that inspiration and bring it into what you do every day? Ultimately, how do you inspire others to do the same?

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