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A Sacred Encounter - Small Intentions

Some people say technology detaches people from one another and takes away the spirituality out of an encounter. In many circumstances it may be true. But how is this for technology connecting three people together who haven't seen each other in 31 years?

This past week, two former high school classmates posted on Facebook that they had family members at Mission Hospital, where I work. I don't normally check posts but once or twice a week and I found out I had a one-day window to catch them both at the hospital before their family members were discharged. Separately I made contact with each of them to visit, however, because of patient privacy laws, I could not tell either of them that the other was there. Additionally, I rarely ever bring gifts to people other than my own family members, but on this day I made the decision to bring each of their family members a small angel to help them heal. I was extremely busy that day so my visits were brief and then I had to leave.

After I left, one of them posted a thank you to me online with a picture of the gift I brought and linked my name. The other one also thanked me online and because of both posts, they realized they were both there and on the same floor. And because of those angels, they got to see each other without me violating their patient privacy rights.

It's a true example of how small intensions can be meaningful and filled with grace - and through a little help of technology!

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